We offer a full range of standard quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, including...
We also have expertise in the following research techniques...
Kids Video Panel
Our kids video panel offers access to a diverse selection of children and young people from across the country, who can answer questions about your brand, your products, your services, or any research questions you have.
The panel consists of boys and girls aged 7 to 17, with a wide range of different interests, ready to answer your questions. Video responses can be promptly turned around to use in your presentation, conference, or to bring your research insights to life. Please email for more details, or to find out if your child could join the panel click here. |
We recognise the need to ask limited numbers of questions across a wide range of children, within budgetary constraints. Omnibus research is the ideal vehicle for this, and we offer a termly online omnibus (three times a year - February / May / September) among 1000+ 7-16 year olds in schools across the UK.
Schools are selected to give geographical and demographic representation, including ethnic minorities, urban and rural schools, and ability level. Access via schools means that we gain a fully representative sample, including children who are not regular internet users, and those who may not wish, or be permitted to, be part of a standard online panel. Please email for more details. |
Schools Panel
Much of our research is carried out via schools and colleges across the UK, via our established panel of over 1000 schools. We are continually building and expanding the panel, recruiting new schools for specific projects and to strengthen overall coverage.
Research is conducted on children's own ground, building confidence and co-operation, and free from direct parental influence. Research in school allows access to a representative sample that overcomes issues such as limited Internet access at home, or parental concerns about child membership of commercial online panels. All research adheres to strict protocols governing child interviewing, over and above standard Market Research Society Guidelines, including parental consents and child protection procedures. |
Specialist Panels
Within our overall panel, we record details of school types and specialisms, which enables us to offer a number of specialist panels covering minority and hard to reach groups such as children with disabilities, deaf / hearing impaired, ethnic minorities, and those in areas of deprivation.
Whether these groups are the focus of the research project, or form part of a wider target sample, we have a unique mechanism for accessing these hard to reach groups. Our online surveys are designed specifically for the needs and capabilities of the target group, and we liaise closely with teaching and support staff within the schools on the practicalities of running each project. We can run both long and short term panels, for access over several research waves or just for one-off surveys. |
Children are naturals when it comes to co-creation. They are full of spontaneous ideas about what they would like to see, and lack inhibitions as to what is or isn’t possible.
They have an instinctive sense of discovery, they are quick to see possibilities from widely different areas of their lives, and have their own fresh and quirky approach to products and services. When we talk to children in research, we find them enthusiastic to tell manufacturers or marketers exactly what they would like to see, and they have high expectations that they will be listened to. To get the best from them, it’s important for them to feel comfortable and empowered, encouraging a free exchange of ideas with a minimum of guidance to keep them on topic. Our work in publishing has involved children as major contributors to a range of successful product launches. A programme of collaborative research, from initial concept to final product, brings together children, editorial and creative representatives, in a two way process in which ideas are developed and refined. |