Case Studies
We will work with you to ensure that our findings hit the right level of engagement that your stakeholders need. From written reports & Powerpoint debriefs to short films, vox pops and infographics. Whatever format we deliver in we always add a degree of 'active participation' to help cement learning and action as a result.
See some case studies below.

Girlguiding UK: Girls' Attitude Tracker 2009-2024
Girlguiding wanted to explore what pressures girls and young women feel they face, and what these mean for their happiness and opportunities.
We give circa 1,500 girls aged 7-16 a platform to speak out via a survey that is collected via our Schools Panel. We use a propriety online panel to top up with 500 young women 17-21yrs. The survey is one of the largest of its kind in the UK allowing us to provide separate sub-reports for underrepresented and intersectional groups.
Findings are used to provide support where it’s needed most, informing Girlguiding policy making, and helping to lobby for positive change in issues that concern girls and young women.
See the results here

Plan International – State of Girls' Rights UK Report 2023
In 2016 & 2020 Plan International published their first State of Girls’ Rights in the UK reports. In 2024 they had ambitions to increase the sample and approached Childwise as a partner to help facilitate this.
We ran a survey with almost 3,000 girls and young women across the UK. Our Schools Panel providing the main access.
The robust approach to sampling alongside our ability to manage multiple ‘boosts’ in profile meant that responses could be analysed by multiple factors such as ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity, physical disability, neurodiversity and long-term health conditions.
The findings helped to shape the 2024 edition of the State of Girls’ Rights UK Report series, calling on the UK Government to bring a new focus to girls’ rights.
The 2024 report can be seen here

Maximising take up of the L3 course among 13 – 15yr old students – a very tricky target audience to appeal to!
A mixed qual / quant approach taking in the views of Training Provider and Schools who explored the potential of different routes ‘into schools’ and with Instructors who delivered the course and students who had … and hadn’t taken part. We compared expectations with outcomes and explored the wider cultural barriers and behavioural nudges required to get cycling on the agenda as well as appraising the elements of the course itself
We gave Bikeability revised support material recommendations – that better addressed the needs of the target audience and parental gatekeepers. A new set of language to use when talking about the course
Prioritisation of the course elements to help drive positive outcomes

Essex County Council – County Lines (2020)
To measure the impact of a country-wide social media campaign designed to raise awareness of the problem of 'county lines' drugs operations and the potential exploitation of children & young people.
Online surveys with 11-18 year olds in schools, utilising both schools from the CHILDWISE panel and a wider list of contacts provided by the Council. The pre campaign survey was designed to benchmark overall awareness of the problem plus related attitudes and behaviours, and the post campaign survey was used measure awareness and to track any attitudinal and behavioural changes that could be attributed to their exposure.
The results were used to measure the effectiveness of the campaign and more broadly to help understand young people's knowledge of the potential signs of involvement in county lines, and the extent to which they would take positive action if they noticed any of these signs

Sport England – Development & Evaluation of 'Studio You' resource for PE teachers (2019-2022)
The resource (a Netflix style digital library) was intended to encourage disengaged teenage girls (aged 13-16) to re-engage with sport and exercise.
We conducted a large-scale, multi-method project in schools to explore barriers to participation, and to look at ways to increase physical literacy. Research started with initial concept testing and co-creation, involving in school discussion groups with teen girls and online interviews with PE teachers to explore the concept and inform creation of the resource. Once the first version of the resource was complete, we put together a group of 20 pilot schools to test this with, running baseline and post-use online surveys with girls using the resource, online depth interviews with PE teachers, and observational visits to see the resource in use.
Results were used to improve the resource prior to a wider rollout across England, and further online surveys with girls and teachers which evaluated the success of the resource launch, against a set of desired outcomes and key performance indicators. The Studio You digital resource went on to win the Active and Wellbeing Award at the 2023 Sport Industry Awards.